To "fight for equal access to quality health care for everyone regardless of race, ethnicity, language spoken, diagnosis, or the ability to pay."

CPHS is a voice for the public health and hospital system, a voice for the allocation of public funding in the state and city budgets; a strong supporter of community organizing, and supporter of the health care safety net and access to health care services for everyone, particularly in low-income, medically underserved, immigrant and communities of color.

CPHS is committed to ensuring that the voices of medically underserved communities, especially their need for safety net health care providers, are heard.  As a membership organization with an active board of directors, CPHS has many routes to understanding the important issues confronting many communities and prioritizes extensive community involvement in its numerous community health projects.


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CPHS fights for equal access to equality health care for everyone regardless of race, ethnicity, language spoken, diagnosis or the ability to pay.

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New York, NY 10004

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