A letter to prospective members from CPHS board, staff and members

Welcome, we hope that you will decide to join us in the very large mission of fighting for equal access to health care services for everyone regardless of race, ethnicity, language spoken, diagnosis, or ability to pay. Although New York City is far ahead of other parts of this country on health coverage and access to care, there are still too many communities that are medically underserved and where access is difficult. The disparities in access to and outcomes of care are very glaring and need to be addressed. We have the East Side of Manhattan which we call “Bed Pan Alley” and then have low-income, medically underserved, immigrant and communities of color, where hospitals and health clinics have been closed. CPHS operates on a city-wide basis, working with our board and membership, as well as with many community organizations and unions. To accomplish our goals we organize, or join, coalitions with a similar mission.

In 2025, CPHS will be 34 years old. We were born with an organizing mission to prevent the privatization of the public hospital system. We believe in, and support, public health programs and community-based health care services. We strongly believe that all community residents should have a place at the table when decisions are made about their health care.

Membership Form

Thank you for joining us in the fight and making a commitment to our mission! Together, we can put the public back in public health!

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CPHS fights for equal access to equality health care for everyone regardless of race, ethnicity, language spoken, diagnosis or the ability to pay.

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New York, NY 10004

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